The Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA)
require firms to publish diversity data

About the questions

The SRA asked the the people who work at this firm a series of questions, these are our answers.

What is your role within the firm?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns : “Salaried Solicitor Partners”; “Solicitor (not partner)”; “Other fee earner”; “IT/HR/Corporate role”; “Barrister”; “Chartered Legal Executive Practitioner”; “Licensed Conveyancer”; “Patent/Trade Mark Attorney”; “Costs Lawyer”; “Notary” and “Prefer not to say”.

What is your age?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: 16 to 24; 25 to 34; 35 to 44; 55 to 64 and 65+

By what sex do you identify?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Male”; “Other preferred description”.

Is your gender the same as your sex registered at birth?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “No”.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act 2010?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Yes”.

Are your day to day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Yes, limited a lot”; “Yes, limited a little”

What is your ethnic group?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Asian/Asian British”; “Black/Black British” “Mixed/Multiple ethnic group”; “White”; Irish”; “Gypsy/Irish Traveller”; Roma”; “Any other White background” and “Other ethnic group”.

What is your religion or belief?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “No religion/belief”; “Buddhist”; “Christian”; “Hindu”; “Jewish”; “Muslim”; “Sikh” and “Any other religion/belief”

What is your sexual orientation?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Bi”; “Gay/Lesbian”; “Other preferred description”.

Which type of school did you attend for most of the time between the ages of 11 and 16?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “State-run or state-funded (selective on academic, faith or other rounds)”, “Independent/fee paying school where I received no bursary or a bursary covering less than 90% of my tuition”, “Independent/fee paying school where I received a bursary covering 90% or more of my tuition”, “Attended school outside of UK” and “Don't know/not sure”.

Did either of your parents attend university and gain a degree by the time you were 18?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Yes, one or both of my parents attended university”, “Don't know/ not sure”.

What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were about 14?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Modern professinal and traditional professional occupations”, “Clerical and intermediate occupations”, “Technical and craft occupations”, “Routine, semi-routine, manual and service occupations”, “Small business owners who employed <25 people”, “Long term unemployed” and “Other, eg retired/this question does not apply to me/I don't know”.

Are you a primary carer for a child or children under 18?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Yes”.

Do you look after or care for someone with long term physical or mental ill health caused by disability or age (not in a paid capacity)?

Other available answers for which there were nil returns: “Yes, 1-19 hours per week”, “Yes, 20 - 49 hours per week” and “Yes, 50 hours or more a week”.